• We are solution focused, results oriented and passionate about technologies. We bring expertise in Hadoop ecosystem, Spark, Cloudera, MapR, HortonWorks, Hive, Cassandra, Java, .Net, Php, R, Ruby on Rails and more.
  • We offer Strategy Consulting, Technical and Technology Workshops, and Coding Bootcamps to help develop Digital Workforce skilled in 21st century technologies.

Coming Soon!

We are currently in process of doing market analysis to better understand technology skills with highest demand and significant shortage of skilled resources. Instead of being yet another "Me-Too" Coding Bootcamp, we are currently investing our energy and resources in making sure that we offer training and workshops for in-demand skills that are going to be valuable to learners not just now, but over next decade.

Get in Touch With Us

Hello There! Feel free to get in touch with us, either using Contact Us form, or send us an email. Whether it's for a general inquiry, a project engagement request, or simply to say Hello, we would love to hear from you. Let's work on a project together.

The Office

  • Address:
    6110 Blue Circle Drive, Suite 225, Minneapolis, MN 55343, United States
  • Phone:
    (952) 250-5386
  • Email: